Being one of our pillars, we acknowledge that equal rights and opportunities for men and women are critical to maintaining peace, democracy, and long-term economic and sustainable development.
Public and political life
We seek to promote non-discriminatory laws and policies, as well as to expand women’s political and electoral involvement. We believe that women are equal members of society, with significant roles in public and political life.
Economic and environmental activities
We believe that equal rights and opportunities for men and women are essential for building prosperous and harmonious societies. We address inequalities by supporting gender-responsive socio-economic and environmental policies, as well as encouraging equitable participation of men and women in decision-making processes. The goal is to ensure that men and women can both meaningfully participate.
Combating violence against women
We collaborate with key stakeholders to address violence against women by collecting data, aiding with agency development, offering information and legal assistance to potential victims and survivors, and strengthening the capacities of law enforcement and service providers. We believe that Violence against women and girls violates human rights and endangers community coexistence.
Within VCK
Gender is integrated into all of our programs, projects, and activities. We take steps to achieve gender parity at all levels of staff and management, and we have a zero-tolerance policy for sexual discrimination and harassment within our executive structures.